To the veterinarian, the perfect image is one that offers adequate detail to see pathology when pathology exists and be able to produce the same level of image detail every day.
Metron produces the perfect image by mastering the many factors that typically hinder image quality.
Metron uniquely incorporates the influences of CR digital X-Ray to help produce that perfect image. In Equine Joint & Hoof X-Ray Imaging, the image result is impacted by the following factors:
1. Portable X-Ray generator (ex. kVp80 MA15)
2. Distance from plane of interest
3. Thickness and density of the object of interest
4. X-Ray plate type and current condition
5. X-Ray technique
6. Custom X-Ray scan settings including resolution and filtering
7. Image quality management
Additional imaging brochures to browse include: Companion Animal: Skeletal/Tissue X-Ray Imaging and Companion Animal: Dental X-Ray Imaging.